Field Artillery Regiment
Battalion/15th Field Artillery
Fort Drum, New York
Battalion, 15th Field Artillery
The "Let's
Go" battalion in Iraq...
above: The 2nd Bn, 15th FA deployed to Northern Iraq in March 2003
in support of the 173rd Abn Bde.
here is the staff of the 2nd Bn, 15th FA in their TOC.
On the far left is LTC Drew Turinski, Bn Commander of the 2nd Bn, 15th FA.
(Circa. April 2003)
Dan Gillotti, 15th Historian
Timely and accurate fire
2/15th is
the official keeper
of the Regimental Colors
Historian Dan Gillotti with
the Regimental Colors.
Drum, New York
The 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery is a 105mm towed M-119 battalion,
assigned to the 10th Mountain Division supporting the Commandos of the 2nd Brigade.
Mountain Division |
15,000 troops trained at Camp Hale near Leadville, |
July 27, 2001 has been
designated Regimental Day
2/15th MOTTOS
A Battery
B Battery
C Battery
"Cold Steel"
In early April, 2001 the 2nd Battalion 15th Field Artillery Regiment deployed to JRTC in support of the 2nd BDE, 10th Mountain Division “Commandos”. The Battalion was supplemented with a 155mm Battery from the 1st of the 377th out of Fort Bragg as well as general support Battalion from the 1st of the 321st.
The JRTC focus was broken down into three stages, Search and Attack, MOUT attack at Shugart-Gordon, and a Defense. The Battalion used it’s two 105mm Batteries in direct support of 2-14 and 4-31 Infantry Battalions, while the 155mm of 1/321 were used as the main counter fire effort. This configuration led to the destruction of all enemy mortars in the first phase of the attack and led to the ultimate success of the BDE’s initial mission to establish a foothold in the land of “Cortina”.
(L-R) LTC Drew Turinski, Bn CO, 2nd Bn, 15th FAR, COL (R) Robert Brand, Honorary Colonel of the 15th FAR, CSM Hershel Turner, 2nd Bn, 15th FAR, with the 15th FA Regimental Colors. Regimental Day, July 2001 |
The 2nd BDE Commander decided to push to take advantage of momentum and push to Shugart-Gordon before the enemy could establish a significant force. The “Let’s GO” Battalion was ready as it positioned it’s 105mm Batteries and the 155mm Battery for 1/377th into position. The Battalion expertly fired its smoke in an accurate and timely manner at the decisive moment, the breach, allowing the 2-14 INF to enter the city relatively uncontested.
In the defense, the Batteries dug in and prepared their guns. The plans were war-gamed, briefed, and rehearsed and 2nd BDE was confident that with the guns of 2-15 behind them they would be successful. Again it was the timely and accurate fires of the artillery that attrite the enemy reconnaissance forces and its implementation of FASCAM that led to the destruction of the enemy’s main effort. The 2nd Battalion 15th Field Artillery Regiment once again proved itself as an elite artillery unit as 2nd BDE successfully completed its JRTC rotation.
served as peacekeepers in Bosnia |
2/15th - Fort Wainwright, Alaska
10th Mountain Division Association
work for giants... to serve well the guns!"
Walt Whitman